Dr. Eugenia Fuenzalida

Welcome to the OU Behavioral Neuroscience and Performance Center! I am not certain what brought you to our website, but I am glad you found us. My journey here has been colorful. I studied Biology, spent some time in Psychology learning about the Biological Bases of Psychology, then accepted a Postdoc that took me overseas to learn about hormones and behavior, and finally made it home to Behavioral Neuroscience. Today I work with an incredible research team at the BNPC and an even more impressive group of collaborators. Together we have one central program of research and a common purpose which involves the optimization of human performance in safety-sensitive jobs.

Our partners include but are not limited to the OU Center for Intelligence and National Security, the OU Human Circulation Research Laboratory, Law Enforcement Officers, SWAT, ROTC, and military personnel. Our studies involve variables reflecting stress (both psychological and physiological) and examine decrements in cognitive performance, adaptation, and resilience. Most projects include some form of neurocognitive assessment and the systematic examination of individual differences in response to stress—some under high-intensity stress. We believe that it is our responsibility to make a difference and embrace that charge enthusiastically. To learn more about our work, please find a selected sampling of publications under the “Selected Publications” tab above. If you have questions about our research or the work we do, would like to talk about research ideas, or simply would like to come for a visit, please don’t hesitate to reach out or visit us.

Dr. Eugenia Fuenzalida, BNPC (405) 325-3197.
