In addition to research and teaching, we serve our community by offering seminars and workshops to government agencies, medical centers, schools, and organizations with the intention of sharing some of what we have learned. Our hope is to bring awareness to research in Positive Psychology and underscore the importance of self-care.  Specifically, in the following presentations we highlight the relationship between stress, resilience, and well-being.

  • Stress and Coping: What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do
  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction because Tomorrow Matters

I have been especially thrilled to put the training I received from the Compact for Faculty Diversity, Southern Regional Education Board to work in my academic life. Through the following seminars we hope is to bring awareness to Inclusive Excellence. Specifically, in the following presentations we highlight the importance of ensuring success and inspiring brilliance by creating and maintaining inclusive organizational cultures.

  • Recruiting for Inclusivity and Diversity
  • Mentoring Diversity: Relationship Management, Communication, and Resolving Challenges
  • Learning-Centered Leadership: Mentoring Minority Graduate Students

To schedule a talk, seminar, or workshop please contact Dr. Eugenia Fuenzalida, BNPC (405) 325-3197.
